
Off the Shelf: The road to true repentance

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Some of the best books are also the most challenging, especially if they force you to think carefully about how you view the world. Take, for example, “On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World” by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg (Beacon Press). I…

Off the Shelf: Bonding over adverse circumstances

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

It’s often a matter of luck who our neighbors are. We pick a house based on a variety of factors, but rarely do we interview the people who live next door or across the street before making a decision. Yet, those neighbors can have a great impact on our lives as …

Jews in Sports: Lefty Bloom: Antisemitism on the gridiron

By Bill Simons

As conveyed by Abner Doubleday mythology, the genesis of baseball is pastoral, creationist and Edenic. Not so football. Sportswriter Sally Jenkins observed, American football, “like the country in which it was created, was a rough... [hybrid] thing that jumped up out of th…

On the Jewish food scene: That wonderful, or awful, smell

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

I walked into the kitchen and said, “Something smells wonderful!” A short while after, my father arrived home and said, “What is that awful stink?” No, my mother hadn’t started cooking something different: she was cooking with garlic, and my dad and I had …

Jewish Online Resources 1/13/23

By Reporter staff

A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available. 

The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning will hold several virtual cla…