
From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With gratitude 11/20/20

Our Jewish community is changing. We are shrinking. There is no denying this fact. If you are lucky enough to go to Florida this winter, you will have lots of opportunities to see former Binghamtonians (or Bing-a-lings as my sister calls them). The changes we are experiencing are nothing new…

Off the Shelf: Stories by Oren and Schwartz by Rabbi Rachel Esserman

I read more novels than I do short story collections. There is something about sinking into a book and following its characters through time that appeals to me. Yet, a great short story is a masterwork of art in that a few pages can leave me as satisfied as a 400-page novel. If an author can…

Off the Shelf: Two sides of World War II – part 2 by Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Part one of this review featured novels that looked at World War II from the point of view of Jewish characters. Part two offers a different perspective: the war as seen by non-Jews. Some of the characters were alive during the fighting; others view those years through the lense of history.

In My Own Words: Elections and violence by Rabbi Rachel Esserman

“But what is more important was that as it happened, we did not see one tank or helmeted officer in the street. A country of over 200 million people was able to change Presidents overnight, without one bayonet being unsheathed. I believe any country that can still do that can’t be all ba…

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With gratitude 11/6/20

By Shelley Hubal

I am grateful the annual Campaign gives me the opportunity to reconnect with Jewish community members, both locally and those that once called Binghamton their home. One highlight on Super Sunday was speaking with a former Binghamton community member who now lives out West.…