
In My Own Words: Church, state and marriage

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Do you think two Jews should have the right to marry? This is not a trick question. I’m not asking about LGBTQ marriages or anything controversial (at least, not yet). What I want to know is simple: Are you willing to risk that a governmental official will refuse…

From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director: With Gratitude 3/24/23

By Shelley Hubal

It’s called “My Unsung Hero.” NPR describes these mini-podcasts as “Stories of people whose kindness left a lasting impression.” I like to listen to one or two episodes in the morning while I exercise. Each story is a reminder that every individual and every act …

In My Own Words: Days of hate and love

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Friday, February 24, was a particularly difficult day. A friend texted me that her grandson had had another seizure. Fortunately, he was fine after a short visit to the hospital, but his parents and grandparents are still shaken and upset. Shortly after, I learned t…

Rebuilding the Jewish-Black alliance

By Bill Simons

“Go down, Moses, / Way down in Egypt land, / Tell old Pharaoh, / Let my people go.” 
Those words sung by Black slaves in the American South possess a double meaning. It recounts the Exodus narrative of Hebrew enslavement and eventual emancipation in Egypt. The spiritual …

In my own words: Judaic and ethnic studies

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Although specific groups in the United States may have always had an interest in ethnic studies, most formal programs only began to flourish during the late 1960s, particularly in colleges and universities. The Judaic Studies Department at Binghamton University bega…