Miscellaneous Features

Television Review: The U.S. and the Holocaust

By Bill Simons

“The U.S. and the Holocaust,” a six-hour series by Ken Burns, America’s pre-eminent documentary filmmaker, made its PBS debut with two-hour installments on the evenings of September 18, 20 and 21. Although it looked back to antecedents and forward to legacy, the docume…

On the Jewish Food Scene: Honey, date syrup and apple butter

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

What do honey, date syrup and apple butter have in common? They all came in a packet of samples I received from a PR firm offering products for Rosh Hashanah. I answered the original e-mail by saying it was too late for me to get an article in the paper before the h…

Jewish Online Resources 10/7/22

By Reporter staff

A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available. 

The Jewish Theological Seminary will hold the virtual class “Biblical Hebrew Ad…

Jewish Baseball Players: The Jewish baseball circle

By Bill Simons

A manila envelope, containing DVDs, arrived at our hilltop farmhouse, postmarked July 12, just five days before the death of its sender, Bob Ruxin. It was a documentary record of a remarkable August 29-30, 2004, event, “A Celebration of 143 American Jews in America’s Gam…

On the Jewish Food Scene: Jews and pizza

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

My mother said the first time she tasted pizza it was love at first bite. She also claimed that someone in her family’s past must have been Italian. (That doesn’t seem plausible because her mother’s family was from Germany and her father’s from Russia, but …