Miscellaneous Features

50th Anniversary: "The Reporter connected me to a new Jewish community"

By Rebecca Goldstein Kahn

I had only lived in Binghamton less than a year when I was hired as the executive editor of The Reporter. Even though my tenure lasted a little more than two years, it had a far greater impact in my life than one would expect from such a short period of time. Worki…

50th Anniversary: "Not my dream job"

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

I never wanted to be executive editor of The Reporter. I resisted taking the position for almost a year. Then it became clear that I was doing the job even without the official title and the Search Committee had no new candidates for the position. I finally went to …

50th Anniversary: "Twenty-six years and counting at The Reporter"

By Diana Sochor

True confession: when I drove up from Downsville, NY, to interview for the position of editorial assistant at The Reporter in late April 1996, my Dad drove me. He was worried (with a lot of justification) that I’d get lost once I got off Route 17 and into the “big city.â…

Jewish Online Resources 11/18/22

By Reporter staff

A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available.

The Hadassah-Brandeis Institute will hold the virtual program “Studio Israel: Sin…

Jewish Baseball Players: Rounding the bases to Israel: Ian Kinsler’s aliyah

Bill Simons

July 12, 2021, was a terrible night for a baseball game in Pomona, NY. Despite a two-hour rain delay, flood warnings and a soggy field, the exhibition game between the New York Boulders of the independent Frontier League and the Olympic-bound Team Israel finally proceeded. A ra…