TC Sisterhood to sponsor talk with Sarah Hurwitz on Sept. 23

Temple Concord Sisterhood will sponsor “A Conversation with Sarah Hurwitz” via Zoom on Thursday, September 23, at 7 pm. During the program, Sarah Hurwitz will discuss her book “Here All Along,” which talks about her relationship to Judaism. The event is complimentary to members of Temple Concord Sisterhood. All others wishing to participate will be asked for an $18 donation to register. Donations should be sent to Temple Concord Sisterhood, 9 Riverside Dr., Binghamton, NY 13905, labeled for the September 23 program.

Registration opened August 15 and information will be sent to Temple Concord Sisterhood members. For others to register or for answers to questions, contact Phyllis Kellenberger at 727-8305.

Hurwitz worked for a decade as a political speechwriter for Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama, and as head speech writer for former first lady Michelle Obama. Hurwitz calls herself the quintessential lapsed Jew, that is until age 36 when she attended a beginner’s class on Judaism. “Attending on a whim, she found beautiful rituals, helpful guidance on living an ethical life and new conceptions of God,” said organizers of the event. “None of what she discovered had she learned in Hebrew school or during the two synagogue services she grudgingly attended each year. That class led to a challenging, moving and ultimately life-transforming journey.

“Hurwitz is on a mission to share the profound insights she discovered in studying Jewish law, history, spirituality and ethics,” organizers added. “She has gained access to vast troves of wisdom on everything from holidays, rituals and prayer to Jewish conceptions of God, death and social justice. In this entertaining and accessible book, she shows why Judaism matters and how its message is more relevant than ever. She inspires Jews to do the learning, questioning and debating required to make this religion their own.”