Former WRJ NE district president coming to TC on June 21-22

Former Women of Reform Judaism Northeast District President Robin Sobol will be at Temple Concord on Friday-Saturday, June 21-22. She will lead services on the Friday evening, which will begin at 7:30 pm, and Torah study on Saturday morning, which will begin at 9:15 am. Then 11:30 am, there will be a Sisterhood brunch followed by Sobol leading a Sisterhood orientation. “All members of the Sisterhood board are urged to attend all the events, but especially the orientation,” said incoming Sisterhood President Barbara Thomas.

Sobol currently serves as programming and fund-raising vice president on Congregation Emeth’s Sisterhood board in Albany, NY. She also has served as treasurer and president. In addition, Sobol served as WRJ Northeast District Area director, treasurer, vice president, first vice president and president.

In her various positions, she has led Shabbat services, co-facilitated Speaker’s Bureau Training and spoken at Sisterhoods throughout the Northeast District. For her WRJ work, Sobol chaired the WRJ Board Nominating Committee, participated on the Executive Committee Nominating Committee and has worked on a yearlong program to onboard and train the new WRJ board members. She also chaired WRJ Board Leadership Training.

Sobol is a member of Congregation Beth Emeth in Albany, where she has served as a board member. For the last six years, she has been an officer to the the Board of Trustees. Beth Emeth encompasses 740 family units. She has chaired the Education Committee and the Ritual Committee. She has served as secretary to the board and, for the last four years, has served as treasurer. Beginning July 1, Sobol will assume the role of first vice president of the congregation. “She loves to sing in the choir and enjoys the challenges of chanting Torah and writing d’vrei Torah,” said organizer of the event.