College of Jewish Studies Spring Series to focus on “The American...

“Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah”
College of Jewish Studies Spring Series to focus on “The American Jewish Summer Camp Experience”

The spring 2021 lecture series of the College of Jewish Studies will showcase “The American Jewish Summer Camp Experience.” The second program in the series will be held on Thursday, April 29, at 7:30 pm. It will be a panel discussion on “How to Run a Jewish Summer Camp,” featuring former and current camp directors Sima and Neil Auerbach, and Dr. Eliav Bock, as well as a summer camp alumna, Sarah Klionsky. The program is free and open to the general public. Those wishing to attend should register on the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamon website,, or on the College of Jewish Studies Facebook page in order to receive a link to the program.

The panel discussion on “How to Run a Jewish Summer Camp” will be moderated by Professor Jonathan Karp of the Binghamton University’s Judaic Studies Department. It will explore the wide range of Jewish summer camp approaches of the last several decades. It will also offer a discussion of how camp directors have sought to market camps to Jews of all backgrounds and affiliations, and to deal with the many practical and logistical challenges that running a camp entails. 

The Auerbachs are longtime members of the Binghamton Jewish community and have operated a variety of summer camps. Bock is the executive director of Ramah in the Rockies. Ordained as a rabbi by the Jewish Theological Seminary, he holds a bachelor of arts degree in Bible and a master of arts degree in Jewish education, as well as a bachelor of arts degree in urban studies from Columbia University. Bock has been awarded the Pomegranate Prize by the Covenant Foundation and is a Schusterman senior fellow. He is joined each summer at camp by his wife, Binghamton University Professor Dina Danon, and their three children. Klionsky grew up in Binghamton and holds degrees from Brandeis University, the David Yellin Institute in Jerusalem and Lesley College. She was a leader in the regional and national boards of the Zionist Youth Movement Young Judaea and attended the national camp Tel Yehudah for four summers as a camper and three summers as a staff member. A former principal of Ohavi Zedek in Burlington, VT, she currently serves as the assistant director for counseling at St Michael’s College. 

Because tickets cannot be sold at the door, the organizers ask that attendees make a voluntary contribution to support the College of Jewish Studies. Checks should be made out to the “College of Jewish Studies” and sent to the JCC, 500 Clubhouse Rd., Vestal, NY 13850. 

The College of Jewish Studies was founded in 1986 as a coalition between the Judaic Studies Department at Binghamton University and several local Jewish sponsoring institutions, including the Jewish Community Center, the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton, Beth David Synagogue, Temple Concord and Temple Israel. Its mission is to provide opportunities for quality adult Jewish education in Broome County. The CJS Committee strives to bring scholars from local and regional campuses for enlightening lectures; an effort is made to combine broad appeal with intellectual and stimulating content and challenge.