Chabad to hold Mega Challah Bake on Nov. 11

Chabad Center will hold a Mega Challah Bake, during which hundreds of students and community members will join in mixing, kneading and shaping challahs. The Mega Challah Baking event will be held on Thursday, November 11, at 7 pm, in the Mandela Room at Binghamton University. The fee is $3. Each participant will receive a swag bag. Reservations can be made here. Local community sponsors include Beth David Sisterhood, Temple Concord Sisterhood, Temple Israel Sisterhood and the Women’s League for Chabad.

“The Mega Challah Bake is a fun and easy celebration of Jewish heritage. In our case, we will be uniting our campus and local communities through campus and local Jewish organizations co-sponsoring, and lots and lots of people coming out to enjoy this activity together,”explained Goldie Ohana, coordinator. “It’s time for us to rise and shine again after COVID and enjoy our spectacular community. Please do come masked and only if you are vaccinated, please.”