Chabad, Federation to hold “Tea and Talk” seniors program on Sept. 13

Chabad of Binghamton, with co-sponsorship from the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton, will introduce a new program, “Tea and Talk,”’ which is a monthly hour-long gathering for local Jewish seniors who are looking for “a meaningful conversation.” Light refreshments will be served. The discussion group will take place in Chabad’s atrium lounge from 11 am-noon on Tuesday, September 13; Thursday, October 20; and Thursday, November 17.

“Federation has wanted to find a new way to serve the seniors in our community for a long time. We are so pleased that Chabad approached us with this idea. I look forward to getting to know our community members better over a cup of tea and good conversation,” says Shelley Hubal, executive director of the Jewish Federation.

“If you are a Jewish senior living in Broome County who enjoys spending time with others like you, discussing contemporary Jewish topics and a little nosh, this program is for you,” said organizers of the event. “Bring your thoughts and opinions!”

To RSVP, visit or call 797-0015.