
Off the Shelf: Fear to hate to persecution

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

“The more things change, the more they stay the same” – Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

The above quote came to mind when thinking about two recent works that speak to the way fear can turn to hate and persecution. At first, “Poisoned Wells: Accusations, Persec…

Jewish American Heritage, part I: Assimilation, tradition and baseball

By Bill Simons

By proclamation, President George W. Bush established Jewish American Heritage Month in 2006 to observe the inclusion and singularity of Jews in the American experience. As part of JAHM this year, the White House sponsored a May 19 webinar, “A Conversation: Jews & Baseball.…

Off the Shelf: Tales from Poland and Israel

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

There are several approaches to writing short stories. Some offer only a brief glimpse of a person’s life or thoughts. Others tell of events that encompass decades, but which focus only on the most relevant details. Each approach offers something different, remin…

Off the Shelf: Familial relationships

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Lifecyle events – changes in status – often make us pause and review our lives. They also can cause us to re-evaluate the way we understand our parents’ behavior and our connection to them. These ideas form the basis for two recent memoirs: After his mother’…

Jews in Baseball: Baseball Hall of Fame President Josh Rawitch

By Bill Simons

On September 8, 2021, the National Baseball Hall of Fame performed its most important rite, the induction of new honorees. September 8 was also the second day of Rosh Hashanah, 2 Tishrei 5782. On the very next day, September 9, Josh Rawitch assumed the HOF presidency. 
