
On the Jewish food scene: Thinking about bagels

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

My older brother, who lives in northern New Jersey, visited recently and brought me “monster bagels from outer space,” as my mother used to call them. (Anything big in my family was referred to as a monster “something” from outer space. No, I have no idea wh…

Jewish Baseball Players: Sandy in bronze: Koufax immortalized

By Bill Simons

In recent years, removal and defacement has targeted monuments to Americans once regarded as iconic heroes, including Thomas Jefferson and Teddy Roosevelt. The baseball pantheon is not immune. Notation of Major League Baseball’s first commissioner, Kenesaw Mountain Landis,…

Interview with Richard C. Lewis, president elect of the NY Bar Association

By Ben Kasper

Editor’s note: Richard C. Lewis is special counsel at Hinman, Howard and Kattell, and president elect of the New York State Bar Association. According to the bar association’s website, the organization “seeks to elevate the standards of integrity in the legal profession …

Off the Shelf: Social justice messages from Proverbs

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

A new genre of biblical commentary has appeared over the past few years. Rather than doing a line-by-line discussion of the text, these commentators use the text as a starting point to explore contemporary moral and ethical problems. One recent example is “The Bo…

Off the Shelf: Family and religion

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

An author once commented that she enjoyed seeing her book “in conversation” with another in one of my reviews. I’d never thought about my work in those terms, but I often try to pair books with similar themes because the reviews are more interesting to write …