
50th Anniversary: "Twenty-six years and counting at The Reporter"

By Diana Sochor

True confession: when I drove up from Downsville, NY, to interview for the position of editorial assistant at The Reporter in late April 1996, my Dad drove me. He was worried (with a lot of justification) that I’d get lost once I got off Route 17 and into the “big city.â…

Jewish Online Resources 11/18/22

By Reporter staff

A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available.

The Hadassah-Brandeis Institute will hold the virtual program “Studio Israel: Sin…

Off the Shelf: Mysteries with a dark side

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

What does it mean to use the adjective noir to describe literature? In the case of mysteries, it means the works take a dim view of human nature. You’re not going to find wonderful, helpful people here; instead, you’ll find antiheroes and dark deeds. That’s ce…

Off the Shelf: More than a cookbook

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Some works that focus on food and offer recipes are more than cookbooks. That’s not to denigrate cookbooks, but for those of us interested in the history or culture of food – and not the recipes we will probably never make – it’s the other aspects of these …

Jewish Baseball Players: Rounding the bases to Israel: Ian Kinsler’s aliyah

Bill Simons

July 12, 2021, was a terrible night for a baseball game in Pomona, NY. Despite a two-hour rain delay, flood warnings and a soggy field, the exhibition game between the New York Boulders of the independent Frontier League and the Olympic-bound Team Israel finally proceeded. A ra…