
Jewish Online Resources 12/30/22

By Reporter staff


A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available. 

The Hadassah-Brandeis Institute has announced its next Sandra Seltzer Silberm…

History Revisited: The American Hanukkah

By Bill Simons

Hanukkah lacks the centrality and solemnity of the High Holidays. It remains a rather minor holiday in the traditional Jewish calendar – except in the United States. The dominant Hanukkah experience for most Jewish Americans is robust, exuberant and external, rather than re…

Off the Shelf: Two sides of the 1980s

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

The 1980s was a period of upheaval, particularly for women, because it seemed two distinct paths were open: one, the traditional path for women to marry and have children and, the second, a career, sometimes in fields that previously had rarely included women. Two …

Off the Shelf: Exploring history from two points of view

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

When researching a prominent family’s history, what particular aspects of their lives should a historian explore? That depends, of course, on a researcher/writer’s particular interest, although in the past that focus was often limited. For example, politics and…

On the Jewish food scene: Latkes vs. sufganiyot

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

When I was a child, there was only one food option for Hanukkah: latkes. They were the only fried food we ate during the holiday. It wasn’t until I was a teenager (or maybe even later) that I first heard of sufganiyot. What exactly are sufganiyot? Most of the one…