
On the Jewish food scene: “Immersive” research in Jewish deli culture, pt 1

By Bill Simons

Recently, as I was about to undertake “immersive” research in New York City’s Jewish delis, several kibitzers provided food for thought. From cousin Robert came shared memory and experience: “I was at Katz’s a few years ago and could go daily – those latkes, the …

On the silver screen: Film as Jewish memoir: Spielberg’s fables & Fabelmans

By Bill Simons

Over the past half-century, Steven Spielberg arguably ranks as the most significant and influential American film director, as well as a protean producer. Spielberg has created more blockbusters than any other filmmaker, past or present. Embracing multiple genres, his movies…

Off the Shelf: Powerful prose poetry

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

A great deal of poetry is autobiographical. For some poets, it’s necessary to know details of their life in order to understand their work. Other poets are able to transcend their lives and write poems that are both autobiographical and universal. One such poet i…

Jewish Online Resources 5/19/23

By Reporter staff

A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available. 

The Tikvah Fund is offering a 13-episode podcast “Building the Impossible Dream…

Off the Shelf: A superhero, a movie star, refugees and more

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

The real life cast of characters list that opens “The American Way: A True Story of Nazi Escape, Superman, and Marilyn Monroe” by Helene Stapinski and Bonnie Siegler (Simon and Schuster) is three pages long and divided into three parts: the Schulback family and…