
Off the Shelf: Two novels about immigrants

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Reading two novels that focus on similar time periods and characters can make for interesting reading. Reading two novels that were written and published almost 100 years apart makes for fascinating reading. If I hadn’t known that “Bread Givers” by Anzia Yezi…

Spotlight: Soccer memories of Zurich

By Arieh Ullmann

On our recent visit to Zurich for a family celebration, I took advantage of the stay in my hometown to visit an exhibition celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Hakoah soccer club Zurich (FC Hakoah) where I had played in the 1950s and 1960s, first as a ju…

Off the Shelf: Lived law and gender in medieval Egypt

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

The documents and manuscript fragments found in the Cairo Geniza offer scholars a treasure trove of information about life in medieval Egypt. However, as Oded Zinger notes in her “Living With the Law: Gender and Community Among the Jews of Ancient Egypt” (Univer…

Off the Shelf: Art and families

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

The Allegheny Mountains of Appalachia are not the easiest place to be Jewish. For example, Jean, one of the two narrators of “Take What You Need” by Idra Novey (Viking), recalls a classmate asking to see her horns. But Judaism generally takes a backseat in Nove…

Jewish Online Resources 6/2/23

By Reporter staff

A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available. 

The Center for Jewish History will hold the virtual lecture “Family History Tod…