
Celebrating Jewish Literature: Two mysteries and a thriller

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

  • The most Jewish content: “Sunset Empire”

A new subgenre of detective fiction features alternative versions of our world. For example, in “Sunset Empire: A Morris Baker Novel” by Josh Weiss (Grand Central), while World War II and the Holocaust did take pl…

CJL: The unusual history of a 16th century Black Jewish messiah

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Minor historical figures can have an unusually large impact on history. Take for example, David Reubeni. In his introduction to “Diary of a Black Jewish Messiah: The Sixteenth-Century Journey of David Reubeni through Africa, the Middle East, and Europe” (Stamfor…

Celebrating Jewish Literature: Jewish humor vs. humor about Judaism

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Is there a difference between Jewish humor and humor about Judaism? Jennifer Caplan, author of “Funny You Don’t Look Funny: Judaism and Humor from the Silent Generation to Millennials” (Wayne State University Press), certainly thinks so, which is why she does…

On the Jewish food scene: Taste testing cookies

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman 

It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it. That’s what I thought after asking for samples of Mightylicious Cookies. Taste testing cookies so readers will know if they are any good is an important part of my job. (If you’re wondering if I’m finding it hard…

Jewish Baseball Players: Yentl at the bat pt I: Jewish women & baseball

By Bill Simons

Traditional Orthodox Judaism is patriarchal, evidenced by restricting the rabbinate, minyan and Torah study to men as well as gender separation in the synagogue. The 1983 Barbra Streisand movie “Yentl” dramatized these barriers. In America, Jews encountered a more open so…