
Off the Shelf: Finding freedom

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

“For her, freedom is being able to live and work in peace.” – Narrator speaking about Pearl Kahn in “Hotel Cuba”

Safety, enough food to eat and a decent place to live: that was the dream of many Jewish immigrants in the 1920s. These basic fundamentals of…

New in books: Kalaniot Books to release two new children’s books in August

Kalaniot Books announced that it will release two new children’s picture books for fall 2023:

  • “How to Welcome an Alien” written by Rebecca Klempner and illustrated by Shirley Waisman (Release date: August 1)

Klempner tells the story of what happens when a friendly alien famil…

Jewish Online Resources 7/28/23

By Reporter staff

A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available. 
Maven will hold the virtual “Tour Global Jewish Life: Amsterdam” on Thursday, …

Jewish Baseball Players: Yentl at the bat, part 3: Jewish women & baseball

In the male-dominated world of baseball, Rebecca Alpert is an outsider. Amongst the first to be ordained at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, Dr. Alpert, professor of religion emerita and former department chairwoman at Temple University, has grappled with questions of Jewish identit…

Off the Shelf: Finding meaning while wandering

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Essays that combine the personal with the political: that would be a good description of S. L. Wisenberg’s “The Wandering Womb: Essays in Search of Home” (University of Massachusetts Press). Her essays serve as an exploration of her identity as a Jew, woman a…