
Off the Shelf: Exploring the stories of biblical women

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

There has been an explosion of midrash – stories that explain or amplify the tales found in the Bible – particularly ones that focus on the voices of biblical women. As Rabbi Marla J. Feldman notes in “Biblical Women Speak: Hearing Their Voices Through New an…

Jewish Online Resources 8/11/23

By Reporter staff

A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available. 

My Jewish Learning is holding a virtual “Mi Sheberach Moment” on Mondays at 1…

Off the Shelf: Jewish summer camps

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

A major worry of the post-World War II Jewish community was whether affluence would dilute people’s Jewish observance. After all, Jews were moving to suburbs, rather than living in close quarters in Jewish sections of large cities, and finding more acceptance in …

On the Jewish food scene: The Jewish national dish

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Question: What is the Jewish national dish? Before you rush to answer, please note that this question comes from reading “National Dish: Around the World in Search of Food, History, and the Meaning of Home” by Anya von Bremzen. The author, who came to the U.S. …

Jewish Baseball Players: Goldfarb, Cohen and Rotenberg: Father’s Day

By Bill Simons

The names Goldfarb, Cohen and Rotenberg more readily conjure up a yeshiva or a Jewish riff on the poetic, double-play refrain “Tinker to Evers to Chance” than an actual ballpark. However, on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 18, Jakob Goldfarb, Adam Cohen and Arnold Rotenberg…