
Celebrating Jewish Literature: The puzzle of Poland

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

The largest number of Righteous Gentiles (those who risked their lives to save Jews during World War II) listed at Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, are Poles with 7,232 known rescuers. Unfortunately, after the war, Polish partisan groups searched …

Celebrating Jewish Literature: Rom-com heaven

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

I got a little carried away recently when asking for review copies of rom-coms. It’s just that these novels sounded interesting and different enough from each other that I wanted to read them all. One author always features characters who have health problems, som…

Celebrating Jewish Literature: The past and the present

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

I periodically say, “That’s it. No more Holocaust novels for at least a few months.” Then something happens – a book gets great reviews, an author I really like publishes a book or a PR person suggests something that sounds interesting – and I once again h…

Jewish Online Resources 10/18/23

By Reporter staff

A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available. 

The Jewish Theological Seminary will hold the virtual program “Between the Line…

The Jewish American Dream on Broadway: “Funny Girl” and “Parade”

By Bill Simons

The 2023 Broadway theater season featured revivals of two plays, “Parade” and “Funny Girl,” highlighting divergent versions of the Jewish American Dream. Pursuit of personal and public affirmation provided thematic paths for “Parade” and “Funny Girl.” From Ap…