
Jewish Online Resources 12/29/23

By Reporter staff

A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available. 

The Shalom Hartman Institute will hold the virtual webinar “Who are the Jews-an…

Blast from the past: First person – My love life: high school

By Ruth Hein

Introduction by Mark Schmitt: Ruth Hein, my mother, moved to Binghamton with her family in 1940 when she was 12 years old. She, her parents and her two brothers were German refugees who were fortunate to be able to get past the many barriers to immigration to the United States …

Off the Shelf: Friendship, the Nobel Prize and one minor difficulty

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

It’s difficult to write about some novels without giving away part of the plot. I don’t feel bad in this case because anyone reading the book jacket of “Stockholm” by Noa Yedlin (HarperVia) already knows what happens. In fact, it’s one of the novel’s se…

Off the Shelf: Jewish paths for improving your life

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman 

At first glance, the two books in this review have little in common. After all, one focuses on rational Talmud study, while the other uses a variety of sources to identify miracles. Yet, “How the Talmud Can Change Your Life: Surprisingly Modern Advice from a Ver…

Off the Shelf: Literary works

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Translated Jewish stories

Nora Gold has earned just praise for the Jewish online journal, JewishFiction.net, that she edits. According to the journal’s website, it is “the only English-language journal, either in print or online, devoted exclusively to the pub…