
Celebrating Jewish Literature: The fruit of the Tree of Knowledge

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

The Hebrew word used in the Bible for the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, which was found in the Garden of Eden, is peri, a generic word meaning any kind of fruit. Yet, when most people think of the story, they visualize that fruit as an apple. As Azzan Yadin-Israel…

Celebrating Jewish Literature: Novels about the war and its aftermath

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

I’ve written before about the times I’ve thrown up my hands and said, “That’s it! No more books about World War II, the Holocaust or their aftermath.” At one point, I even crossed off two of the books featured in this review from my “to ask for” list. …

Celebrating Jewish Literature: Converts, returnees and the Inquisition

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

When most people think of the Inquisition, they think of the Spanish Inquisition, which was established by King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castile in 1478. However, the Inquisition began more than 200 years before and understanding its developmen…

On the silver screen: Fourth yahrzeit: memories of Izzy

By Bill Simons

Time passes and it’s Izzy’s fourth yahrzeit. The son of poor, Jewish immigrants, he achieved renown as movie star, breaker of the Blacklist, philanthropist, World War II veteran, undefeated wrestler, political activist, author and champion of Israel. And he was the most f…

Jewish Online Resources 2/23/24

By Reporter staff

A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available. 

The Yiddish Book Center will hold the virtual program “Traces of a Jewish Artis…