Jewish Online Resources 11/3/23

By Reporter staff

A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they become available. 

The Jewish Theological Seminary will offer two virtual programs in its Between the Lines series”: Meryl Ain will discuss about her new award-winning novel, “Shadows We Carry,” on Tuesday, November 21, from 1-2 pm (available here); and Israeli author Agur Schiff about his novel “Professor Schiff’s Guilt” on Tuesday, December 12, from 1-2 pm (available here). 

The Yiddish Book Center will hold the hybrid book talk and performance, “Sholem Asch: Underworld Trilogy,” with Caraid O’Brien on Wednesday, November 29 at 7 pm. The event includes a discussion of the book “Sholem Asch: Underworld Trilogy” and performances of scenes from the book. For more information or to register, click here.

The Yiddish Book Center will offer the virtual lecture “Yiddish Theater as a Cultural Lifeline during the Holocaust” with Professor Debra Caplan on Thursday, December 7, at 7 pm. Caplan will “explores how Yiddish theater offered a cultural lifeline and psychological escape hatch for Jews during the Holocaust, as well as how plays and performances helped survivors to find community and rebuild their lives in the DP camps.” For more information or to register, click here.

The Bender JCC will hold the eight-session lecture series “Biblical Archaeology Forum.” The cost of the online series is $48. Lectures include “Discovery of a Temple Near Jerusalem Challenges Traditional Views of Religion in Ancient Israel” on Sunday, November 12, at 3 pm; “Wisdom and Folly in Early Jewish Wisdom Literature on Wednesday, January 10, at 8 pm; “Imperial Terror and Personal Trauma in the Second Temple Period” on Wednesday, February 7, at 8 pm; “Reconstructing Mysteries of the Sanctuary of the Great Gods at Samothrace” on Sunday, March 10, at 3 pm; “Excavating Theater History at Pompeii’s House of the Four Styles” on Thursday, April 18, at 8 pm; “After 1177 BCE: The Survival of Civilizations” on Sunday, May 19, at 7:30 pm; and “Piracy and the Late Bronze Age Collapse” on Wednesday, June 19, at 8 pm. For more information about individual programs, click here. To subscribe to the series, e-mail

The Braid will hold the virtual event “Faith Salie: an exclusive conversation” on Sunday, November 19, at 2 pm. Faith Salie is a regular panelist on “Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me,” a regular contributor to CBS “Sunday Morning” and five-time Emmy-winning journalist. For more information or to register, click here.

The American Jewish University will hold the virtual program “A Yiddish Love Affair: The State of Yiddish Today” on Tuesday, November 14, from 3-4 pm. Giovanna Truong will offer look into Yiddish identity, language, culture and the state of Yiddish today. Truong is a Vietnamese-Italian-American, German-speaking, Gentile physicist from suburban Wisconsin who became “a brenendike Yiddishist – a passionate Yiddish scholar.” For more information or to register, click here.

The Center for Jewish History will hold the virtual panel discussion “Family History Today: Wimpels – Textiles as Windows into the Lives of our Ancestors” on Tuesday, November 14, at 3 pm. Bonni-Dara Michaels, the Yeshiva University Museum’s Collections curator, will speak about the history of wimpels in the museum collection and the styles and meanings of their text and decorations. Karen S. Franklin, director of family research at the Leo Baeck Institute, will elaborate on how genealogy researchers can analyze and research wimpels they inherited or those in museum collections to learn more about their family histories. For more information or to register, click here.

Hadassah Magazine Executive Editor Lisa Hostein hosts a panel conversation with Jewish writers Allegra Goodman, Dani Shapiro and Ruth Knafo Setton on Thursday, November 16, at 7 pm. The panelists will discuss different ways to define Jewish literature. For more information or to register, click here.

ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal will hold a virtual “International Transgender Day of Remembrance” hosted by Rabbi Geela Rayzel Raphael and Rabbi Jane Rachel Litman on Tuesday, November 21, at 8 pm. The program will commemorate the International Transgender Day of Remembrance, which has been observed annually since its inception in 1999, remembering those who have been murdered because of transphobia. To register for the event, click here.

The American Jewish University will hold “The Money Kings: Jewish Immigrants to Financial Dynasties” on Thursday, December 7, from 3-4 pm. Author Daniel Schulman and UC Riverside’s Michael Alexander explore the captivating narrative of German-Jewish immigrants who transformed modern finance and the stock market in America. For more information or to register, click here.

The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center will hold the virtual book discussion of “Women on the Move” by Naomi Ragen on Tuesday, November 7, at 11:30 am. Ragen will discuss “Lithuania’s refusal to acknowledge its Holocaust-era sins, her iconoclastic place in the Orthodox community and the role writing plays in her expression of Judaism.” For more information or to register, click here.

The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center will hold the hybrid event “The Future of Israel: Should We Be Optimistic or Pessimistic?” with Dan Senor in conversation with Ambassador Thomas R. Nides on Wednesday, November 8, at 6:30 pm. Dan will offer a preview of his new book “The Genius of Israel.” For more information or to register, click here.

The Jewish Grandparents Network will hold the virtual program “At a Distance: Practical and Meaningful Ways to Build Relationships with Your Grandchildren Who Live Far Away” on Tuesday, December 5, from 7-8 pm. Kerry Byrne, Ph.D., the founder of The Long Distance Grandparent, will share “practical, yet meaningful, ways to move towards more intentional, consistent and engaging moments with your grandchildren.” For more information or to register, click here.

The Milken Archive is offering an eight-part e-mail newsletter “A Journey Through American Jewish Music.” The educational series highlights Jewish compositions at all ends of American history, from the Colonial era to the 20th century. For more information or to register for the e-mails, click here.

The Center for Jewish History will hold the hybrid “JewCE, New York: The Jewish Comics Experience” from November 11-12. The event will promote diverse Jewish narratives in comics and graphic novels. Zoom links are available. For $18, a person receives access to a full day of events and exclusive digital content. For $180, access is given for a full day of events and exclusive digital content for an institution, youth group or congregation. For more information or to register for Zoom links, click here.

For additional resources, see previous issues of The Reporter or our other Jewish Online Resources here.