Book Reviews

Off the Shelf: Sisters and rivals by Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Sibling rivalry alienates and separates those who might otherwise have caring relationships. These rivalries are made worse when parents treat their children very differently or show favoritism. An additional complication can occur when parents assign particular roles to each child – for e…

Off the Shelf: Kindertransport, fiction and fact by Rabbi Rachel Esserman

The Kindertransport is one of the few humanitarian rescue efforts made during the pre-World War II era. Between November 1938 and September 1939, more than 10,000 minors – Jewish and non-Jewish – were able to escape from areas controlled by Nazi Germany and receive shelter in England. Ye…

Off the Shelf: A wedding and vacation by Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Almost nothing challenges families – functional and dysfunctional – as much as time spent together during weddings, funerals and vacations. Old wounds reopen and discontentments rise as people find themselves returning to roles – the good child or the bad apple – that no longer fit. …

Off the Shelf: Cartoons and comedy By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Is it too early to buy Hanukkah presents? I know it’s difficult to think about the December holiday when we are in the midst of the extended fall holiday season, but I have two books that will make perfect presents – that is, if you don’t decide to keep them for yourself. For Jewish ca…

Off the Shelf: Rich and newly single in New York City

While reading the first 20 pages of “Fleishman is in Trouble” by Taffy Brodesser-Akner (Random House), I wondered why critics were making such a fuss about the book. It was one of the big novels of the summer and two friends had given it the highest rating on the Goodreads website. Was I…