Book Reviews

Off the Shelf: A graphic work...

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Strictly for adults

Confession: I hated sleepaway summer camp. Why, then, you might wonder, did I ask for a review copy of “Camp Pock-a-Wocknee and the Dyn-o-mite Summer ‘77” written and drawn by Eric Glickman (Black Panel Press)? Because the PR material mad…

Off the Shelf: Rebuilding lives after the war

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Let the past remain in the past: that’s the constant refrain for some who survived World War II. It’s not only true for those in concentration camps as two recent novels – “The Incandescent Threads: A Novel in the Form of a Mosaic” by Richard Zimler (Part…

Off the Shelf: Legal anecdotes in the Talmud

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

The traditional way to study Talmud is to follow the general flow of the work. Rarely do those studying the text stop to compare and analyze stories that occur in different tractates. However, Judith Hauptman, E. Billi Ivry Professor Emerita of Talmud and Rabbinic …

Off the Shelf: Jokes, stories and poetry

By Rabbi Rachel Esserman

Most books are relatively easy to define. Even those that straddle genres or categories can usually be described in simple terms. That’s not true for “JEWels: Teasing out the Poetry in Jewish Humor and Storytelling” edited by Steve Zeitlin with lead commentar…

Off the Shelf: Various genres, including...


  • “Death of a Dancing Queen” 

Hardboiled detectives certainly had it easier in the past. They didn’t have to worry about ex-boyfriends with connections to the Jewish mob; a grandfather who drinks too much; a gay brother, David, with mental health issues; and a mothe…